
Having fun with Programming and BIM




So a while back I wrote a post about transforming Revit's internal coordinates to the Project/Survey coordinate systems. While it was a good stab, it wasn't the best implementation.. I was wildly unfamiliar with Transforms back then and saw them... Continue Reading →

Python Sets and examples…

While on the forums, one thing I don't see much of is using sets in their code where it is ideal (either in Dynamo Built-In Nodes or in python). Most of the time you see simple things made complicated with... Continue Reading →

Get In-Place FamilyInstance Swept Profile…

Recently, one of my good friends asked me if it is possible to get the Swept Profile and Path of an In-Place family. They had tried the FamilyInstance.GetSweptProfile, however, In-place families don't support this (no idea why In-place families have... Continue Reading →

ImportExtensions() vs import from…

Happy new year! After a very lazy and relaxing relatively tech free time in the countryside for 10 days, I'm ready to rock n' roll... I'm sure this feeling of complete regeneration will last about a week, but gotta enjoy... Continue Reading →

Placing multiple views on multiple sheets…and a legend copier

While I am binge blogging (2 in a day - which is more than I have done all year, so yes...this is a binge!), I thought I would write about another blast from the past... Place Multiple Views on Multiple... Continue Reading →

It’s just a Phase…

Wow! It's been a very long time since I posted anything! Thought I would at least get a post or two done before Uni starts for the year and I become a hermit for the next 9 months... So, today's... Continue Reading →

Revit Nodes Vs Revit API…

Today I saw a post on the Dynamo Forum where there was confusion between using Element.SetParameterByName() on a Revit API Element in python and it failing. For beginners (and even some intermediate users) this is quite confusing, so I thought... Continue Reading →

Animate Phases with Dynamo…

So, I made a script many years ago when first learning Dynamo Zero-Touch Nodes to animate Revit via Dynamo. The problem I found was, unlike Grasshopper, where you can create a counter node relatively easily, in Dynamo there was no... Continue Reading →

Split columns…

It's been a very, very long time since I posted anything. I've been spending most my time focusing on Unity, Dynamo View Extensions and XR (and of course my studies and work) which I hope to start posting more about.... Continue Reading →

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