
Having fun with Programming and BIM


Intro To The Python Node

The basics of using the Revit API…

OK... so we covered what references were and how to add them in the last tutorial, References, References, References... In this tutorial we will acquaint ourselves with the Revit API & SDK, where to find it and how to read... Continue Reading →

References, References, References…

As I explained in the previous tutorial, A quick look inside the Python Node, we need the CLR to add references to .NET libraries. Within that library there are a bunch of goodies we want to use in our code.... Continue Reading →

A quick look inside the Python Node…

We’ll start off where we left the last tutorial, A quick tour of the Python Node. This was where we finished by opening the Python Nodes Popup window by double clicking on the main body of the Node. Having done... Continue Reading →

A quick tour of the Python Node…

Ok, we shall begin the first post in the Python and the Revit API Tutorial series by having a look at the Python Node and its features... Let's start off by placing a fresh Python node in our Dynamo script. You... Continue Reading →

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